Smith Building 1st, 2nd and 3rd Floor Renovations

The first and second floor of the Smith Building are being completely renovated to expand and improve our services to Community Ministries clients, including a grocery and clothing mart and enhanced space for mentoring, pastoral, and social services support, along with a computer lab and workspace for these individuals and volunteers. Did you know Community Ministries serves the under-housed in our community by helping with Public Benefits Applications assistance, Birth Certificate applications, Income Tax preparation, and other services.  The third floor of the Smith Building is being redesigned for use by the Church’s community partners. The Samaritan Counseling Center of Atlanta provides clinical mental health counseling, as well as spiritually integrated care as the client chooses, to individuals of all ages and to underserved populations. Founded in 1999, SCCA is now a team of 15 including 13 therapists, 2 spiritual directors, and 1 pastoral counselor. Childspring International has helped provide more than 5,000 life-changing surgeries to children in developing countries. Watch this space for more details and visit the Community Ministries website to learn about volunteer opportunities.


Smith Building Fourth Floor Renovations


A New Space for Community Ministries