Capital Project: Strategy at Work

Now that the demolition work for Level 1 of the Smith Building is almost complete, the Capital Project team is hard at work carefully reviewing budgets, schedules, and planning next steps.  First Presbyterian Church and the ministries we serve are grateful for every gift donated for our campus redevelopment and we take our job as financial stewards very seriously. The project team is continuing to work on efficient and effective sequencing and scheduling in order to best navigate the continually changing external market conditions as we move from demolition into construction. 

If you’re up on the third floor of the Administration Building over the next few weeks, you just might catch the team strategizing next steps around the table. The project team is making time to carefully map our process to ensure the Capital Project is as amazing as possible.  In the photos below, you’ll see team members from our general Contractors (JE Dunn), our program managers (DaVinci Development Collaborative), our architects (Houser Walker), and our MEP engineers (Newcomb & Boyd). 

We look forward to sharing more updates on the Capital Project with you soon.


Capital Project: Updated Timeline


Demolition continues on first level of Smith Building